Sermons on The Gospel
The true gospel is the message which Jesus Christ brought--and is not primarily about Him! Instead, it tells us the great purpose God is working out, and why Jesus was willing to die for our sins. While He was categorically the most important person to have walked this earth as a man, and while His death for our sins paid our unpayable debts, the true gospel explains why He was sacrificed, and what is available to mankind as a result.
All in All
Summary: History is not confined to the past; we are actively participating in it just as surely as the prominent figures of the Bible. As citizens of Jerusalem above, we need to have our minds singly focused on the heavenly homeland where Jesus Christ dwells...
Christ's Death and the Immortality of the Soul
Summary: Satan's big lie is that 'you will not surely die' — inherent immortal life because of an immortal soul. This dangerous false belief, held by the majority of Christian-professing denominations, has led to an acceleration of sin and the danger of...
Consequences of Accepting False Gospels
Summary: Along with Jesus Christ's pure and undefiled Gospel of the requirements for salvation, many lethal false "gospels" appear among professed Christians, imitating Satan's clever lie that we can become like God by doing our own thing, disregard...
Dominion and Glory and a Kingdom
Summary: When Jesus answered the Jewish religious leaders at His trial, telling them they would shortly see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Almighty and coming on the clouds of the sky (Matthew 26:64), He did not mean that they would be alive a...
Eternal Security (Part 1)
Summary: Some of the harshest criticism we receive is for our position opposing the doctrine of eternal security, having the audacity to suggest that works are required for salvation. I Timothy 1:8 indicates that the Law is good only if we use it lawfully. Ph...
Eternal Security (Part 2)
Summary: God is a working God, creating holy, righteous, divine character with the goal of recreating man in His image. From the time of our justification until our glorification in God's Kingdom, it almost seems 'downhill,' with sanctification being a diffic...
Examining God's Judgments
Summary: Judgment includes the actual process of handing down a decision. In this aspect of judgment, sanctification and purification bring about a restoration or refreshing in which liberty and reconciliation is restored. The seven reconciliations, or regath...
False Gospels
Summary: To distinguish the true gospel from the myriad false gospels, a major clue is that any teaching attempting to change the nature of God or Christ or their doctrines is anti-Christ and false. In Galatians 1:6-11, Paul suggests that the motivation to pr...
God's Powerful Gospel
Summary: The true gospel encompasses far more than the Kingdom of God coming to this earth. It includes the complete revelation of God to man of His plan to reproduce Himself through man. The gospel has explosive power (dunamis, Romans 1:16) both to destroy e...
Implications of the Gospel of the Kingdom
Summary: Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to a downtrodden people, suffering because of the power structures over them. Corruption has characterized all human government from the beginning of time. From the time that our original parents partoo...
Importance of the True Gospel
Summary: When everybody works together to reach a common goal, the chances of success skyrocket. When the vision or unity of purpose is removed, chaos or disintegration is the inevitable result. When the leadership of the Worldwide Church of God released its ...
Our Awesome Destiny
Summary: Without our special calling and the gift of God's Holy Spirit, we would be about as clueless as to the purpose of our life as Solomon was throughout Ecclesiastes. Understanding is totally different from knowledge. Some people with ample knowledge are...
Our Awesome Destiny (1993)
Summary: Man's ultimate destiny is to have dominion over the entire universe. Preparation for this awesome responsibility requires faithful stewardship over the things God has entrusted to us (our bodies, families, possessions, etc.)—dressing, keeping, ...
Real Conversion
Summary: Conversion, like salvation, is a process that begins at a particular event in time (after our repentance, baptism, and receiving of God's Holy Spirit) but requires a maturing period in which we, using God's Holy Spirit, mortify the flesh and produce ...
Summary: A major focus of John the Baptist's ministry was a call to repentance and turning to righteousness, a focus that Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul reinforced and magnified. In mainstream Protestantism, repentance has fallen out of favor and has been ...
Sovereignty and 'Once Saved Always Saved'
Summary: Those who believe in the "once saved always saved" doctrine foolishly fail to see that God has a more extensive and creative plan for mankind than merely saving them. One can fail to bring forth fruits of repentance and thus qualify for the...
The False Christ Deception
Summary: Because of lying and spiritual deception, the Globalists' control of the media has posed major problems for those seeking or living by the truth. Instead of letting Israel know about their faults, the prophets or religious leaders have 'plastered ove...
The Kingdom of God
Summary: The basic elements of the Kingdom of God include (1) a King (Psalm 47), (2) a territory (Daniel 2:44, Psalm 103:19) (3) citizenry (I Peter 2:9-10) and (4) a code of law (Revelation 22:14). The term kingdom (Greek basileia), has a past, present and fu...
The Occult
Summary: Is there a distinction between black and white magic? This exploration of the fastest growing religion in the United States (witchcraft) traces both practices to Satan the Devil. The Bible clearly condemns charmers, divination, gnosticism, necromancy...
The Teaching of Jesus and Prophecy
Summary: God's called-out ones are so different from 'mainstream Christianity' that we have been branded as a crazy cult out of touch with the truth. Actually, members of God's Church are entirely in touch with the truth, assured that prophecies in God's Word...
True or False Hope?
Summary: Jeremiah 28:5-12 describes Hananiah's false prophecy about God breaking Nebuchadnezzar's yoke over Judah. This false prophecy gave them false security, causing an acquiescing into sin and a symbolic replacement of a wooden yoke with an iron yoke. If ...
Trumpets and Hope
Summary: Just as it took one swimmer to go through the submerged vessel with a rope giving his life for his fellow passengers in The Poseidon Adventure, Christ gave his life serving as our forerunner through life's trials. Paul encourages the Thessalonians by...
What is a False Prophet?
Summary: Aside from the false prophet in Revelation, the Bible gives characteristics of false prophets in general. A prophet is one who speaks for God. A prophet may have miraculous power and foretell the future, but if he leads people away from the truth of ...
What is the Book of Revelation?
Summary: Because of the interspersing of literal, figurative, and symbolic materials, as well as the frequent flashbacks and insets, the book of Revelation is difficult to analyze and process. A key to effective Bible Study is to let the Bible's consistent us...
Whatever Happened To Gnosticism?
Summary: The ancient heresy of Gnosticism is finding its way into the media through movies and books such as The Gospel of Judas and The Gospel of Thomas, both works emphasizing secret knowledge or new insights concerning the dualism of the flesh and spirit, ...
Why Many Do Not Understand
Summary: Using stock car, computer, and biotechnology jargon, Richard Ritenbaugh illustrates how ignorant most of us feel in the wake of the exponential explosion of knowledge. Likewise, the Bible, even though widely published and distributed, has remained ju...
For more on the gospel, salvation, God's plan and purpose, being 'born again', and the reward of the saved, see the Gospel articles.