Sermons on Resurrection
True Christians will be resurrected to eternal life, and thus 'born again', only when Jesus Christ returns. Until the resurrection, the saints sleep in their graves, without consciousness. Jesus Christ was the 'firstborn from the dead', and those who follow Him will follow the same path in being resurrected at the Second Coming.
Benefits of the Third Resurrection
Summary: The Lake of Fire (Second Death or Third Resurrection), dreadful as it initially appears, produces both immediate as well as ultimate benefits or good. As a deterrent against sin, the Lake of Fire has an immediate benefit for those who, after having a...
Christ's Second Coming
Summary: The Feast of Trumpets memorializes God's deliverance of Israel beginning with Joseph and ending with Moses, and looks forward to Christ's return when God will fully deliver His people. Besides the trumpet's use in sounding an alarm, trumpets are used...
Genesis 3:20-24: Consequences for God and Man
Summary: Many are afraid to associate with the true church because it appears as a weird and heretical cult. Even our concept of original sin is different from mainstream Christianity. While Calvinists have depicted mankind as totally depraved, we believe tha...
New Heavens and New Earth
Summary: God never does anything haphazardly. Together, God the Father and Jesus Christ have been planning for the fulfillment of what we are observing in the Last Great Day- the ultimate increase in the God family of perhaps 40 to 50 billions of individuals....
The False Christ Deception
Summary: Because of lying and spiritual deception, the Globalists' control of the media has posed major problems for those seeking or living by the truth. Instead of letting Israel know about their faults, the prophets or religious leaders have 'plastered ove...
The Resurrection From the Dead
Summary: All the hopes of a Christian revolve around the Day of Trumpets, placed like an axle or fulcrum, right in the middle of the Holy Days. Our entire lives revolve around the hope of a resurrection from the dead, a powerful motivator to walk in righteous...
The Second Resurrection
Summary: The vast majority of people who have lived on this earth have never heard the true Gospel of God's Kingdom. God, not willing that any should perish, has a timetable, carefully calculated to allow people to receive and respond to the truth at their ma...
Themes of I Corinthians (Part 8)
Summary: The apostle Paul, immersed in the culture of Greece, realized that speaking to the Athenian philosophers would be no small challenge. He quoted their Stoic poets and sought common ground. Everything went smoothly until he spoke of the resurrection, p...
Trumpets and Hope
Summary: Just as it took one swimmer to go through the submerged vessel with a rope giving his life for his fellow passengers in The Poseidon Adventure, Christ gave his life serving as our forerunner through life's trials. Paul encourages the Thessalonians by...
For more on the resurrections, eternal judgment, and why Christians do not go to heaven when they die, see the Resurrection articles.