Sermons on Repentance
Repentance means 'to change' or 'to turn.' Once a person hears the gospel and is convicted that his way of life is wrong, he must change his present behavior. Repentance is not just feeling sorry, remorseful, or conscience-stricken, but being so troubled in one's heart that one begins to live according to God's standardsaccording to God's law. Feeling sorry without changing one's life is not repentance! The fruits of repentance are visible actions'works'that demonstrate a person has actually changed.
Are You Fighting the Good Fight?
Summary: Mainstream Christianity espouses the pernicious doctrine of, "Let go, and let God do it all for us," which releases us from any obligation to overcome and build character. In this deceptive doctrine, the Christian is warned not even to atte...
Conviction to Godly Righteousness
Summary: The essential core of the human heart is evil, self-centered, responding to Satan's wavelength, placing us into slavery and psychological bondage. Our freedom lies in (1) the conviction of God's Holy Spirit of the reality and hideousness of sin (2) a...
Genesis 3:20-24: Consequences for God and Man
Summary: Many are afraid to associate with the true church because it appears as a weird and heretical cult. Even our concept of original sin is different from mainstream Christianity. While Calvinists have depicted mankind as totally depraved, we believe tha...
He Who Overcomes
Summary: Intense struggle is, by design of Almighty God, an integral and necessary part of the overcoming process. Just as fighting to escape its cocoon strengthens the butterfly, our calling requires effort above what the world has to endure to become free o...
Healing the Breach
Summary: Jesus Christ, through His bloody death, has breached the enemy walls, rending the veil and opening up access to God the Father. We, as part of the firstfruits, have been called as an elite unit to work with Christ to help heal or repair the breach ca...
How Did They Overcome?
Summary: The letters to the seven churches in Revelation all specify rewards for those who overcome. Revelation 12:11 gives a road map for how Satan (including his world and our corrupted human nature) can be overcome. The first step is also the most importan...
Principled Living (Part Three): Growing in Righteousness
Summary: Because nature abhors a vacuum, once people rid themselves of sin, they must fill the void with righteous character. God's law — the pure, undefiled unleavened bread of righteousness — needs to be ingested into our minds as we purge sin, ...
Principled Living (Part Two): Conquering Sin
Summary: In surgical procedures to eradicate cancer, every last cancer cell has to be totally destroyed in order to save the patient. Likewise, sin must be excised with the same sustained, relentless aggression. Like the focused cancer surgeon, we must be det...
Re-education (Part 1)
Summary: The money spent upon education seems to be inversely proportional to its effectiveness and quality. Re-education is a most difficult (nearly impossible) process. Nevertheless, God Almighty, through the Days of Unleavened Bread, mandates that we must ...
Re-education (Part 2)
Summary: The command to abstain from leavened bread is accompanied by an equal command to eat unleavened bread. The symbols of the Days of Unleavened Bread equate to ridding ourselves of sin while embracing sincerity and truth, developing godly discernment an...
Real Conversion
Summary: Conversion, like salvation, is a process that begins at a particular event in time (after our repentance, baptism, and receiving of God's Holy Spirit) but requires a maturing period in which we, using God's Holy Spirit, mortify the flesh and produce ...
Summary: A major focus of John the Baptist's ministry was a call to repentance and turning to righteousness, a focus that Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul reinforced and magnified. In mainstream Protestantism, repentance has fallen out of favor and has been ...
Repentance and Righteousness (Part 1)
Summary: The seven days of Unleavened Bread depicts the protracted time it takes us to get rid of the influences of the world or the clutches of sin. We spend our entire lives fleeing from Egypt- a hard trudge every step of the way, accomplished only by a mir...
Repentance and Righteousness (Part 2)
Summary: Mechanically keeping the law is only the beginning of righteousness. The broad underlying principles of God's Law are far more stringent than the narrowly stated rules. Principles are broad comprehensive truths covering all unforeseen circumstances. ...
Spirituality and True Conversion
Summary: We must guard against the fuzzy, emotional spirituality without a Deity, a worldly spirituality based upon a worldly syncretism of Eastern and Western philosophical thought. True conversion involves a change of direction, an arduous, lengthy process ...
The Wonderful Ordinance of Water Baptism
Summary: There is a correct process for baptism, leading to conversion, regeneration by the Holy Spirit, overcoming, and sanctification. Noah's rescue from the flood and the Exodus through the Red Sea are types of baptism. John the Baptizer received his under...
For more on repentance, baptism, and conversion, see the articles on Repentance.