Sermons on Jesus Christ's Return
Jesus Christ's second coming will occur just as man finally realizes that without God, all hope is lost. When He returns, the dead saints will be resurrected, and the living saints will be changed 'in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet'. These sermons show that the Messiah will establish His Kingdom on the earth, and the world will have peace at last during the Millenium.
As a Thief in the Night
Summary: The time before Christ returns will be one of great turbulence. However, the admonition to watch in Luke 21:36 does not mean to become a "news junkie," avidly watching world events, but instead it is a sober warning to watch ourselves, beco...
Christ's Second Coming
Summary: The Feast of Trumpets memorializes God's deliverance of Israel beginning with Joseph and ending with Moses, and looks forward to Christ's return when God will fully deliver His people. Besides the trumpet's use in sounding an alarm, trumpets are used...
Summary: Both the appearance of God at Mount Sinai and the reappearing of Christ involve clouds. Clouds appeared with the coming of the rainbow, a sign of His covenant that He will not destroy all flesh. In Revelation 10:1, Jesus Christ appears with both a cl...
Examining God's Judgments
Summary: Judgment includes the actual process of handing down a decision. In this aspect of judgment, sanctification and purification bring about a restoration or refreshing in which liberty and reconciliation is restored. The seven reconciliations, or regath...
Holy Days, Signs, and Names
Summary: The Sabbaths (including the annual Sabbaths) serve as signs identifying the people of God. The fifth of the eight signs in the book of John is associated with the Feast of Trumpets, which designates the return of Christ. As the disciples were struggl...
How Long, O Lord? (1994)
Summary: The numerous biblical references for trumpets suggest an announcement of a specific event and an alarm of what is to follow. In most cases, the devastating, horrendous events themselves are the figurative trumpet blasts, calling people to repent. God...
Patiently Waiting for Christ's Return
Summary: We desperately need to develop patience: an active, God given restraint and constancy in endurance while facing trials, realizing (exercising faith like a farmer waiting for produce) that God will take care of us. When juxtaposed against the experien...
The Resurrection From the Dead
Summary: All the hopes of a Christian revolve around the Day of Trumpets, placed like an axle or fulcrum, right in the middle of the Holy Days. Our entire lives revolve around the hope of a resurrection from the dead, a powerful motivator to walk in righteous...
The Seventh Trumpet
Summary: The Feast of Trumpets is the pivotal holy day, a day looking back to three holy days in which God deals with individuals and looks forward to three holy days in which God works with progressively larger groups. This day is a memorial of shouting or b...
The Two Witnesses (Part One)
Summary: God wants us to recognize them as they occur or shortly after they have occurred. For individuals to cling dogmatically to an interpretation before the events happen has perennially led to debate and missing vital details. It is more important to kno...
True or False Hope?
Summary: Jeremiah 28:5-12 describes Hananiah's false prophecy about God breaking Nebuchadnezzar's yoke over Judah. This false prophecy gave them false security, causing an acquiescing into sin and a symbolic replacement of a wooden yoke with an iron yoke. If ...
Trumpets and Hope
Summary: Just as it took one swimmer to go through the submerged vessel with a rope giving his life for his fellow passengers in The Poseidon Adventure, Christ gave his life serving as our forerunner through life's trials. Paul encourages the Thessalonians by...
Trumpets Means War!
Summary: God (sometimes referred to as the Lord of Hosts) will marshal an army of resurrected saints who will wage a just war. Trumpets represent a cry of alarm and a call to action. The only time warmaking is just is when God decides, indicating that man's c...
Trumpets: Glorious Appearings
Summary: The Day of Trumpets is characterized by shouting or a memorial of blowing of trumpets (teruah), signifying alarm, joy, or excitement. Before the commandment to keep this feast, only one event involving trumpets had occurred to the Israelites, namely ...
For more on the Feast of Trumpets, the rapture, Jesus Christ's second coming, and the tumultuous end-time events leading up to it, see the articles on Jesus Christ's Return.