Sermons on Life after Death
What happens when you die? Is there an ever-burning hell? Are your loved ones in heaven? Do you have an immortal soul? What will be your reward when you die? What the Bible shows is very different from the many traditions of men in existence today. Yes, there is life after death. But what most churches teach today is very different from what the Bible shows.
Christ's Death and the Immortality of the Soul
Summary: Satan's big lie is that 'you will not surely die' — inherent immortal life because of an immortal soul. This dangerous false belief, held by the majority of Christian-professing denominations, has led to an acceleration of sin and the danger of...
New Heavens and New Earth
Summary: God never does anything haphazardly. Together, God the Father and Jesus Christ have been planning for the fulfillment of what we are observing in the Last Great Day- the ultimate increase in the God family of perhaps 40 to 50 billions of individuals....
The Meaning of 'Today'
Summary: An idiom is an expression that cannot be deciphered merely by knowing the individual meanings of the words, but requires a cultural context. The idiomatic term, "This day," or "Today," does not mean a 24 period, but is an intensif...
The Resurrection From the Dead
Summary: All the hopes of a Christian revolve around the Day of Trumpets, placed like an axle or fulcrum, right in the middle of the Holy Days. Our entire lives revolve around the hope of a resurrection from the dead, a powerful motivator to walk in righteous...
For more on what happens after death, including whether God torments sinners eternally, whether Christians go to heaven immediately after death, and what the true reward of the saved is, see the articles on Life after Death.