sermonette: What is the Book of Revelation?
The Appearance of Jesus Christ
David C. Grabbe
Given 17-Feb-07; Sermon #814s; 16 minutes
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Because of the interspersing of literal, figurative, and symbolic materials, as well as the frequent flashbacks and insets, the book of Revelation is difficult to analyze and process. A key to effective Bible Study is to let the Bible's consistent usage of a word demonstrate its meaning. The "Revelation of Jesus Christ" is the title of the final book in the New Testament, and this title defines the scope of all that is contained within. The revelation (apocalypsis) literally refers to the visible "unveiling" of Jesus Christ upon His second coming and the setting up of the millennial government upon the earth. His Saints will exchange their earthly glory for spiritual glory as they help to administer the Kingdom of God. These verses link us, as God's called out ones, to our future responsibilities.