The True Gospel
As this age draws to a close, the religious scene in the Western world is in chaos. Decades of secularist thought have taken a heavy toll on those societies that were formally quite religious and moral. The state of Western Christianity has become so secular that missionaries from Africa, South America, and Asia are trying to preach the gospel to Europe and America!
Today, among those still professing to be Christian, doctrinal confusion abounds. While three-quarters of Americans are associated with Christianity, only half consider themselves absolutely committed to the Christian faith. Less than half of Americans strongly believe the Bible is totally accurate in all its teachings - and these figures are far higher than in the rest of the Western world! With so little commitment on earth to the truth of God, it is hardly surprising there is so much misunderstanding and disagreement over the basic message that our Savior brought from the Father - the gospel.
"Just believe on the name of Jesus, and you'll be saved" is a common message of professing Christian ministers and Sunday morning "gospel programs." Others say the gospel is that God sent His Son to die for our sins. Still others condense it all down to a trite "Jesus loves you" that fits nicely on bumper stickers - and believe they are spreading the "good news"!
It is certainly true that belief in Jesus Christ is the major requirement of salvation - although more is required than just intellectual agreement. It is also true that God did indeed send His Son to pay the penalty of our sins, and, yes, God certainly does love us. But not one of these common sentiments is the true "good news" message that Jesus Christ brought! At best, these statements are each only a portion of the gospel message.
Nowhere does Jesus Christ say that the gospel is about Him coming to die for our sins! Instead, the gospel He preached answers why He did so. More than that, it reveals the momentous purpose that God is accomplishing, and declares the reason reconciliation through the blood of the Lamb is necessary. We need to know what the true gospel really is!
To understand what the true gospel is, take a tour of this foundational subject by following the link below. At the bottom of each subsequent page you will find a similar link to continue the tour. There are 12 tour stops in all.
Next: What Did Jesus Preach?