sermonette: The Unknown Deadline

David C. Grabbe
Given 03-Oct-24; Sermon #1784-AMs; 19 minutes

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Because of carnal human nature, a project or assignment without a deadline will typically languish. However, Christians are part of a project where the deadline is unknown—the salvation process. Regarding the day of Christ's return, no one, not even Jesus Christ, who inspired the detailed prophecies of Daniel and the Messianic prophecies in Psalm 47 or Isaiah 27, as well as gave all the holy days instructions (including the Day of Trumpets) knows the precise time. Only God the Father knows the exact time. The fact that the descriptions of His return match the elements of the Day of Trumpets does not definitively give us the day. Jesus did not die at the time the Passover lambs were to be slain, nor did He fulfill the Day of Atonement on Atonement. Assumptions about the timing of holy day fulfillment may be inaccurate. The timing, the sequence, and other specifics of His instructions are not always fulfilled as we may expect. We cannot depend on the length of our longevity as suggested by Psalm 90. There is a downside to knowing a deadline, namely the human tendency to bank on having time later to finish the project, leading one to let down and succumb to complacency. We do not know how long the project (our sanctification process) will take. No matter how we look at it, the deadline is unknown. What this means is that each day is critical in doing our part to be of the same mind as God. Each day is a new opportunity to be rich toward God in the way that pleases Him.


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