sermonette: Another View of Faith

James Beaubelle
Given 08-Jun-24; Sermon #1766s; 18 minutes

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Mankind has almost reached a tipping point in which deadly world war seems inevitable. Scripture warns God's saints to pray for the strength to hold fast. While we understand that faith is a gift God bestows upon His called-out saints, it is only useful as it is applied, growing by the hearing of the Word until it becomes an active part of our intellect, having matured as a fruit of the spirit within us. Faith holds onto a belief without the need of empirical evidence, allowing us to accept the seventh day Sabbath, the virgin birth, the Noachian flood, etc. This kind of faith requires a relationship with the Father and Christ. Without the right relationship with God, we cannot have the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11), having the ability to focus on what cannot be seen by most of mankind. Seeing things the way God sees them is not blind faith. The woman who suffered from the blood flow for 12 years (Luke 8:43) exercised supreme faith by a timid touch, having developed a personal relationship with God enduring her long trial. All of our smallest needs are noticed by Almighty God.


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