sermonette: The Fall of Jerusalem and the Coming of the Son of Man

The Day of the Lord
Charles Whitaker
Given 12-Oct-19; Sermon #1512s; 21 minutes

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The formula "the coming of the Son of Man" (in its various formats) is code for "the Day of the Lord." The formula, which appears most often in the Olivet Prophecy, does not support the preterist perspective that it refers to the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD. The Day of the Lord is that one-year period, apparently occurring as the last year of the Time of Jacob's Trouble, when Christ takes wrathful vengeance on His enemies. Christ refers to this period in the Parable of the Unjust Judge, saying the righteous judge will decidedly avenge his chosen ones. We, not the Jews of the diaspora, are God's chosen ones. The formula does not appear in contexts dealing with Christ's work after the Day of the Lord, that is, during the Millennium. For example, it is absent in contexts dealing with Christ's compassionate regathering of Israel at the start of the Millennium. The highly apocalyptic rhetoric of Luke 21:22-27 cannot refer to the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD. The only historical referent Christ provides for the formula is the time of Noah, a cataclysm entailing the destruction of the entire surface of the earth and an entire civilization—as will occur at the Day of the Lord—not the destruction of one city.


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