Gospel Articles

Nowhere does the Bible say the gospel is that Jesus Christ came to die for our sins! Instead, the true gospel tells us why He did so. More than that, it reveals the momentous purpose that God is accomplishing, what it means to be born again, how to receive eternal life, what salvation is, and the reason reconciliation through the blood of the Lamb is necessary.

A City on a Hill (Part Two) 
Summary: In Part One, we considered the examples of two men, Dirk Willems and Desmond Doss, both of whom lived out in public what they believed, the first showing love toward an enemy and the second selflessly caring ... 

Abraham's One God 
Summary: The first commandment sets the stage for Mike Ford's review of Genesis 22, Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac. He suggests that God wanted to know one thing: Would Abraham put Him first and have no other god? 

Are We Laodiceans? 
Summary: Most would agree that we live in the fullness of the Laodicean attitude of God’s church, and because we are alive now, it is safe to assume that we all have strong Laodicean proclivities. ... 

Avoiding Prayer? Consider Carefully 
Summary: The alarm sounds, jolting the sleeper from deep slumber. He lifts his head and peers through slitted eyelids at the bedside clock. Five-thirty am. Hitting the snooze button, he sighs .... 

Beware the Second Flood (Part One) 
Summary: After the apocalyptic Flood from which God delivered only eight souls, He made a covenantal promise that He would never again send a globe-covering flood. To remind humanity from that ... 

Beware the Second Flood (Part Two) 
Summary: Part One drew upon the imagery in Revelation 12:15, in which a flood of words pours from the mouth of the serpent to sweep away God’s people. A ready application arises in our present ... 

Called to Follow 
Summary: If there is one great principle of Christian living, it is walking in Christ's footsteps. Sounds easy, but putting it into practice is one of the most difficult tasks of a Christian's life. ... 

Conditions of Discipleship (Part One) 
Summary: When Jesus Christ gathered His core disciples as He began His ministry, He knew who and what kind of men they were. He needed principled and devout worshippers of God to teach and prepare for the ... 

Conditions of Discipleship (Part Two) 
Summary: In Part One, we saw that Jesus did not just pick anyone off the street as a disciple. Instead, He looked for people who would fulfill certain conditions that He placed on true discipleship. ... 

Ditching Tithing? Consider Carefully 
Summary: Times are hard. Money is short. Bills need to be paid. Taxes are due. The car needs new brakes. The baby has run out of diapers, and mama needs new shoes. The self-centered human mind can always come up with “needs,” ... 

Do We Know God? 
Summary: Jesus tells us in John 17:3 that eternal life is to know God and Jesus Christ. “Know” in this verse does not suggest mere intellectual knowledge but goes far beyond it—to having a close, intimate relationship ... 

Do You Desire the Day of the Lord? 
Summary: The prophet Amos describes the Israelites of his day as proud and secure in their special relationship with God, while God Himself castigates them for presuming He approved of them. They so misjudged matters that they eagerly desired the Day of the Lord! Using their example, David Grabbe compares them to what Jesus says about the Laodiceans, sounding a warning to us to pay attention to our true spiritual condition.  

Do You See God? (Part One) 
Summary: It is true that we cannot physically "see" the invisible God, but that does not mean that we cannot recognize His involvement in our lives. John Ritenbaugh helps us to realize just how much God wants to be part of our lives. 

Does God Forbid All Images? 
Summary: Years ago, the church received a question about idolatry from a pious American woman of uncertain religious affiliation. She asked about our understanding of the second commandment, particularly ... 

Faith—What Is It? 
Summary: How important is faith? What is the faith God requires us to have? Pat Higgins explains that faith is simple in concept, but difficult to display in our lives. Nevertheless, we must exercise this gift of God to pass the tests that are sure to precede the return of Christ. 

Fearing God's Worthiness 
Summary: Competition is everywhere in life. Whether warranted or not, it seems to be the natural order of things. Consider, for example, the plants in one's garden. Though the gardener has no real wish for one tomato ... 

First Love (Part One) 
Summary: In His letter to the Ephesians, Jesus Christ scolds the church for having lost their "first love" (Revelation 2:4), despite their tireless zeal in defending the gospel from false apostles. What, exactly, did they lose? Martin Collins answers from Scripture: A Christian's foremost responsibility is to love God wholeheartedly. Even so, a spiritual decline similar to the Ephesians' loss of their first love broadly affected the first-century church. 

God of the Pigeonhole 
Summary: A stroll through just about any cathedral in Europe, not to mention many a church just about anywhere in the world, would bring to the eye the sight of perhaps a handful or even dozens of ... 

God's Power: Our Shield Against Apostasy 
Summary: As Christians, we realize that God is not only powerful, but He is also the source of all power. How do we translate this understanding into practical action? John Ritenbaugh explains how we can tap into God's power to avoid slipping into apostasy. 

Hannah's Thanksgiving 
Summary: In the bustle of modern life, it is easy to forget just how good we have it. Comparatively, citizens of today's Western nations own more than even most of the richest people in ancient times ... 

Identifying Our Idols 
Summary: Idolatry. It is not a subject that we think about a great deal in this secular world. The word itself suffers abuse in the modern vernacular, referring not to the premier sin of the Ten Commandments ... 

Is God a False Minister? 
Summary: John Ritenbaugh exposes the deplorable contradictions in the arguments of those who advocate doctrinal change. By their reasoning, they portray God as a confused and false minister who lacks the power to instruct his chosen leaders to "get it right." But that is not the way the Bible portrays Him! 

Is It Salvational? (Part One) 
Summary: A short time ago, a man asked me about some doctrines that the church believes. In the course of our conversation, he brought up the Sabbath. He noted that we keep the Sabbath and the holy days, ... 

Is It Salvational? (Part Three) 
Summary: The “Is it salvational?” approach can be dangerous in two ways. The first is the obvious risk of misjudging a matter, declaring something to be minor that God considers to be major. ... 

Is Mary Worthy of Worship? 
Summary: The Catholic Church places great importance on Mary—to the point that many Catholics, both lay and clergy, are pushing for Mary to be recognized as "Co-Redemptrix"! David Grabbe points out that the Bible makes no such claims for her. She may be "blessed among women," but she is in no way to be deified! 

Is New Year's Eve a Pagan Holiday? 
Summary: Many people think of New Year's Eve as a secular holiday, a time to usher out the old year and welcome the new with a party. But is this true? Is New Year's Eve unencumbered by religious overtones, or are ancient pagan practices lurking in the background? Mike Ford uncovers the superstitions and traditions that have their origins in millennia-old heathen customs. 

Jesus, Nathanael, and Jacob's Ladder 
Summary: When they first met, Jesus was astounded by Nathanael's quick belief in His divinity and sovereignty, telling him he would see even greater things as His disciple. As an example of one of those more significant experiences, He reaches back to the beginning of Jacob's conversion and his dream of the ladder or stairway ascending to heaven. Richard Ritenbaugh considers the deep meaning of this often neglected type fulfilled in Jesus Christ. 

Making the Cut (Part One) 
Summary: Golf is hard. It may seem easy enough to imagine hitting a little, white ball a few hundred yards down a fairway into a four-and-a-quarter-inch hole on a distant, manicured green, but ... 

Making the Cut (Part Three) 
Summary: Last time, we explored Psalm 15:1, which is comprised of the two questions King David asks to open the psalm: “LORD, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?” Though ... 

Making the Cut (Part Two) 
Summary: Part One introduced the scriptural concept that, while a person is justified only by God’s grace through the blood of Jesus Christ, God expects His called-out ones to respond to His merciful election with obedience to His commands and .. 

Our Way Forward 
Summary: As God’s instruction manual for His people, the Bible contains the answers and guidance Christians need in times of trouble. Scripture reflects His mind more than any other resource on earth ... 

Passover, Obligation, and Love 
Summary: In the Model Prayer, Jesus mentions the forgiveness of sin in terms of paying off debt. Anyone with an unpayable debt that was redeemed by another would feel an immense sense of gratitude and obligation to his benefactor. John Ritenbaugh discusses how Christ's redemption of us from our massive debt of sin obligates us to obey and serve Him by doing good in acts of love and service to others. 

Presumption and Divine Justice (Part One) 
Summary: Over the past few generations, orthodoxy in virtually every aspect of life has been discarded, indicating how perverse human nature is in its determination to rebel against God. Whether it is adding uncommanded holidays to Christian worship or changing the day of rest, men presume to alter God's instructions. John Ritenbaugh uses several real-life examples to illustrate human presumption, a tendency we all share - and one God takes a severe stance against. 

Put God First 
Summary: In His letter to the church in Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22), Jesus Christ rebukes the members there for failing to put their calling in its proper place in their lives and warns them ... 

Rebellion as Witchcraft 
Summary: About four centuries before the time of King Saul, the Amalekites had “ambushed [Israel] on the way when he came up from Egypt” (I Samuel 15:2; see Exodus 17:8-13), and with God’s help, ... 

Reciprocity (Part Two) 
Summary: Part One explained the principle of reciprocity, in which kindness and service are rewarded with blessings, especially when the person expects nothing in return. In fact, God seems to have ... 

Sanctified by Truth 
Summary: In His John 17 prayer before His arrest, Jesus asked His Father to sanctify His disciples by His truth, His Word. Indeed, believing and observing the revealed truth of God not only makes the elect holy but also separates them from those of the world around them! John Reiss reviews five fundamental truths that distinguish the church of God from other religious organizations. 

Seeking God (Part One): Our Biggest Problem 
Summary: It is a wonderful thing that God has called us out of this world and paid the penalty for our sins, but what happens next? After making the covenant with God, how does a person avoid backsliding as so many biblical examples show? John Ritenbaugh answers these questions by explaining what seeking God is really all about. 

Skipping Services? Consider Carefully 
Summary: After a long week of work, Fred arrives home early Friday evening and drags himself inside. He is looking forward to the Sabbath and the extended rest God allows us to enjoy on His day. ... 

Soldier On! (Part Two) 
Summary: We all face trials in life, some of them quite difficult. A few of them may be so devastating that our first reaction is to curl up in a ball and give up. God, though, does not want us to allow ... 

Summary: Many believe, like Jonah, that they can confidently navigate life with God "along for the ride," trusting He will ensure their desired outcomes. However, though it will feel uncomfortable, true alignment with God involves surrendering control to Him and allowing Him to guide our lives. David Grabbe demonstrates that Jesus Christ's total surrender to His Father's will is the example Christians should follow. 

Thanks for Everything 
Summary: Thanksgiving Day is already a day in the rearview mirror, perhaps even all but forgotten in the annual Black Friday frenzy. We should not confine the giving of thanks to a single day of the year, but express it ... 

The American Faith 
Summary: Patriotism, as practiced in America, is a kind of faith, a religion. It is especially attractive to conservatives who have become disaffected with traditional religion. Such people put their faith in the ideas and creeds of the nation, serving it to help it reach its national aspirations and observing all its festivals and rituals. Richard Ritenbaugh warns that Americanism can become an idol, coming between us and the true God. 

The Cross: Christian Banner or Pagan Relic? 
Summary: Is it alright to wear a crucifix? Earl Henn reveals the origins of the cross and shows why it is NOT a Christian symbol! 

The Elements of Motivation (Part Four): Obligation 
Summary: No one likes to be indebted to someone else. However, when we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, and He pays for our sins by His blood, we owe Him our lives! But rather than being onerous, our spiritual obligation produces good, leading to a deeply held, personal loyalty to Him. John Ritenbaugh explains that our redemption should make us strive to please Him in every facet of life. 

The Essential Facts of the Feast of Tabernacles 
Summary: A well-worn writing technique originated in ancient Greece with Aristotle. In this method, to ensure he has all the essential facts of a matter, a researcher, investigator, or reporter will use what ... 

The Feast Is Coming! 
Summary: As the Feast of Tabernacles approaches, I cannot help but remember 1965, when my family kept our first Feast in Long Beach, California. Even though it was in a city setting and traffic snarled ... 

The Feast: Vacation or Holy Time? 
Summary: Will we let the physical circumstances of our lives determine this without making every effort to seek God's will diligently so that we do not fail in our duty to appear before Him? 

The First Commandment 
Summary: Idolatry is probably the sin that the Bible most often warns us against. John Ritenbaugh explains the first commandment, showing that we worship the source of our values and standards. God, of course, wants our values and standards to come from Him and Him only, for there is no higher Source in all the universe! 

The Forgotten Promises 
Summary: In casual conversations with brethren, fasting has occasionally come up for discussion, and it turns out that it is the rare individual who fasts regularly. Years ago, church members were encouraged ... 

The Godly Purpose for Music 
Summary: Believe it or not, music in religion is a contentious subject! David Maas, a talented musician in his own right, considers the Bible's approach to music, concluding that it is a blessing from God and an appropriate vehicle for praise and worship. 

The Importance of Fellowship (Part One) 
Summary: Both the Old and New Testaments have instructions and admonitions about the importance of congregational fellowship and regular Sabbath attendance. One of these appears in the Sabbath ... 

The Second Commandment 
Summary: Most people consider the second commandment to deal with making or falling down before a pagan idol, but it has far greater scope. John Ritenbaugh shows that it covers all aspects of the way we worship, including setting ourselves up in God's place by becoming enslaved to our own desires. 

The Shepherd's Voice 
Summary: God's people are often compared to sheep. Lately, however, some have begun to question whether they need a human shepherd. How does one know whether a minister is a true shepherd of God? 

The Third Commandment 
Summary: The third commandment seems greatly overshadowed by "bigger" ones like the first, second, and fourth. Yet, despite the common understanding that it merely prohibits profane speech, John Ritenbaugh contends that it is far more—to the point that it regulates the purity and quality of our worship of the great God. 

The Widow and the Fatherless (Part Four) 
Summary: Many mornings of my life have been spent merging from I-20 onto the Downtown Connector in Atlanta, just inching along. Every morning a man stands on the shoulder with a cardboard sign, seeking donations. ... 

The Widow and the Fatherless (Part One) 
Summary: History knows the apostle James, half-brother of Jesus Christ, as a humble man. After Christ's death and resurrection, he oversaw the headquarters church in Jerusalem. In his epistle, ... 

The Widow and the Fatherless (Part Three) 
Summary: In Part Two of this series, we concentrated on the prophet Jeremiah’s sermon to the people of Judah in Jeremiah 7. Among his criticisms—in fact, nearly the first of them—is a command from God ... 

The Widow and the Fatherless (Part Two) 
Summary: In Part One, we considered the apostle James’ definition of “pure religion” as “to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world” (James 1:27). ... 

Was God's Law Nailed to the Cross? 
Summary: Many point to Colossians 2:14 to "prove" that it is no longer necessary to keep God's law, but is this really what the apostle Paul means? Was the law nailed to Christ's cross? What is the "handwriting of requirements" he writes of? Using the immediate context and supporting scriptures, Earl Henn untangles the apostle's intent in this verse. 

Was Jesus Christ Born Under the Law? 
Summary: As Christians, we are followers of Jesus Christ, but many subtle arguments are advanced to prove we really do not have to walk in His footsteps—that He did it all for us. Earl Henn explains that such teachings are ridiculous! 

Was Jesus Resurrected on Easter Sunday? 
Summary: Most people who claim to be Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on a Sunday, usually with a dawn service. Is this biblically accurate? Jesus Himself said He would be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Can that period of time be squeezed into a Friday sunset to Sunday dawn scenario? If we allow Scripture to define its terms and follow the clues, our Savior's resurrection cannot have happened on a Sunday! 

What Is the Passover Anyway? 
Summary: To someone not familiar with the Bible's instructions regarding the keeping of Passover, this festival can seem strange and confusing. This article explains the basic points of the Passover, showing from Scripture what God commands and why. 

What's Your Golden Ephod? 
Summary: The story of Gideon in Judges 6-8 has much to teach Christians. While hesitant and needing encouragement, Gideon faithfully does what God instructs him to do. Then, after he and his three hundred men prove victorious against the Midianites, he makes a golden ephod that later becomes a snare of idolatry for him and his house. John Reiss urges us to ask ourselves what snares we may have laid for ourselves and our families. 

Which God Do You Worship? 
Summary: Anciently, when the world was predominantly pagan and each religion had a pantheon of gods to choose from, individuals had their favorites. These days, the popular view is that there is only one God - especially for Christians, Jews, and Muslims - but many roads to the same destination. Richard Ritenbaugh argues that most people today, like the ancients, worship a god in their own image but not the God of the Bible. 

Why Hebrews Was Written (Part Ten): Christianity's Claims 
Summary: The opening chapter of the epistle of Hebrews makes several astounding assertions about Jesus Christ and the exalted offices He holds. If true - and the Bible assures us that they are - they require a reverential response. John Ritenbaugh posits twelve claims that the Father, the Son, and Their way of life make upon humanity's attention and loyalty, giving mankind no excuse for its failure to respond to God. 

Why the Transfiguration? 
Summary: Why was Jesus transfigured on the mount? What did it mean? What was it designed to teach the apostles? Richard Ritenbaugh shows the significance of this wonderful miracle. 

Why Worship God? 
Summary: Worship is ingrained into human beings; it is almost as if we must worship something. So, why should we worship the God of the Bible rather than some other person or thing? What benefits does worship of the true God of Creation bring to those who worship Him? John Ritenbaugh provides three fundamental reasons why worship of the God of heaven and earth is necessary and beneficial to those who seek Him. 

Works of Faith (Part Two) 
Summary: Christians are saved by God's grace through faith. We cannot deny it. But a Christian's faith is one that wants to keep God's law - not the ritual law, but the law of faith that trusts God and aims to please Him in everything. God's spiritual law, encapsulated in the Ten Commandments and demonstrated in the life of Jesus Christ, reveals His way of life, which Christians should endeavor to emulate. 

Worship God! 
Summary: What is worship? What should our attitude be in worship? How do we worship God? Our God is seeking people to worship Him in spirit and truth! 

For more on the true gospel, God's plan, mankind's destiny, and the coming Kingdom of God, see the Gospel Sermons page.

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