Resurrection Articles
Nowhere does the Bible say the gospel is that Jesus Christ came to die for our sins! Instead, the true gospel tells us why He did so. More than that, it reveals the momentous purpose that God is accomplishing, what it means to be born again, how to receive eternal life, what salvation is, and the reason reconciliation through the blood of the Lamb is necessary.
'I Will Come Again'
Summary: The meaning of the Feast of Trumpets can seem enigmatic due to the Bible's seeming lack of information on it, but with a little detective work, we find it anticipates the most significant event in human history: the coming return of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords! Richard Ritenbaugh explains why this keystone holy day should be one of great joy for the church and for the whole world!
Already Immortal?
Summary: "And the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die." This little, five-word sentence was Satan the Devil's opening salvo to convince Adam and Eve that they could disregard God's commands without ...
Basic Doctrines: Eternal Judgment
Summary: One of God's roles is as Judge, and His judgments are eternally binding. But what does this mean? Who is judged? How? When? For what?
Basic Doctrines: The First Resurrection
Summary: The doctrine of resurrection is one of the chief teachings of Christianity. In fact, our very hope hangs on it! For those of us called and chosen in this age, the first resurrection is especially vital.
Basic Doctrines: The Second Resurrection
Summary: The doctrine of resurrection is one of the chief teachings of Christianity. For the billions of people who have never known the truth, the second resurrection offers them an opportunity for future salvation.
Basic Doctrines: The Third Resurrection
Summary: The doctrine of resurrections is one of paramount importance for the Christian. The third resurrection, however, is one that most of this world's Christianity ignores—but it is the one that shows God's ultimate justice and how He will deal with incorrigibly evil people in godly love.
Caught Up in the Rapture
Summary: Is the rapture biblical? If so, when will it occur? Where do the saints go? Richard Ritenbaugh clarifies this sometimes confusing subject from the Bible.
Comfort One Another With These Words
Summary: Sometimes the death of a loved one is gut-wrenchingly sudden and, at other times, exhaustingly drawn out. In most cases, it scrambles our emotions and leaves us down and uncertain. During such times, God provides great comfort in the hope of the resurrection. Martin Collins urges members of the church to comfort one another with words of hope about God's promise of eternal life.
Dying—Once in a Lifetime (Part One)
Summary: Atheists and God-haters in general are always trying to find discrepancies in the Bible. One they pull out every now and then is the alleged contradiction between I Corinthians 15:51 and Hebrews 9:27: Will some people never die - or will they die once like everyone else? Charles Whitaker parses the two verses to show that they are not contradictory at all because they speak about different, though related, subjects.
From Dust to Dust
Summary: A friend of mine lost her father about a year ago. She loved him very much, and his sudden death distressed her. Mary (not her real name) is pretty religious, ...
God Has Not Called the Atheist
Summary: Atheism is alive and well in post-Christian society. Much of nominal Christianity believes it is their sacred duty to convince atheists to drop their unbelief and commit themselves to Christ. But is it? Scripture says otherwise. Richard Ritenbaugh, mulling a recent encounter with some atheists, asserts that no amount of persuasion will change an atheist's mind unless God Himself enables him to believe.
God's Plan and the False Immortal Soul Doctrine
Summary: Most nominal Christians and their denominations believe in the Doctrine of the Immortal Soul, but it is a weak reed on which to lean. The Bible does not support it; instead, it teaches the exact opposite, contradicting Satan's argument to Eve that she will not surely die. Craig Sablich explains that it also fails to mesh with God's revealed Plan for humanity, based on God's perfect judgment and His gift of eternal life.
In the Heart of the Earth
Summary: It is amazing that people who claim to be followers of Christ do not take Him at His word. In His only sign of His Messiahship, Jesus prophesied He would be "three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." Yet, each year, they celebrate Easter, which rests on a sunset Friday burial and a Sunday dawn resurrection. Richard Ritenbaugh observes that the Bible consistently supports a complete 72-hour burial period, exactly three days and three nights.
Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man (Part One)
Summary: The Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man illustrates the resurrections from the dead and the Second Death. Martin Collins explains how knowing the time element hidden within the parable opens up the meaning of Christ's teaching.
Resurrection AD 31
Summary: Matthew 27:52 informs us that more than one resurrection occurred during Passover week in AD 31! This article summarizes the types of resurrections that appear in God's Word, and uses this information to provide answers to the many questions that arise about this astounding miracle.
Some Thoughts on Healing
Summary: Most people, concerned about their health, are willing to spend massive amounts of money to guard it. Many denominations build hospitals to care for others. In Scripture, God promises to heal His people of their diseases, but Christians must recognize that this promise is not unconditional. Richard Ritenbaugh explains that healing is subject to God's will, and sometimes, His will and ours conflict, a fact we must come to terms with.
The Death of His Saints
Summary: Near the end of Psalm 116, a psalm of thanksgiving for God's deliverance from an untimely death, the psalmist writes, "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints." Why does God consider His elects' deaths to be "precious"? David Grabbe explains the cooperative work of God in each of His chosen people, with death as a marker of their spiritual completion and readiness for resurrection.
The Fall Holy Days
Summary: In keeping God's Sabbath and annual holy days, the church of God has gained considerable insight into the biblical appointed times. While the springtime festivals primarily focus on Christ's work for and with His elect, the final four holy days, all occurring in the autumn, represent God's plan of salvation for humanity in general. John Reiss provides a theological and prophetic overview of the fall feasts of God.
The Final Harvest
Summary: Are the unconverted dead lost? John Ritenbaugh answers that there is hope for them! This part of God's plan is typified in the meaning of the Last Great Day.
The Harvesting of the Firstfruits
Summary: The church of God has long acknowledged the biblical analogy of a harvest representing the gathering and eventual resurrection of the saints. Bill Keesee speculates that we can perhaps expand our understanding of the harvest analogy to include other aspects of our preparation for God's Kingdom.
The Miracles of Jesus Christ: The Resurrection of Lazarus (Part One)
Summary: Among Jesus Christ's greatest miracles is the resurrection of his good friend, Lazarus of Bethany, brother of two of His most ardent followers, Mary and Martha. Martin Collins examines John 11, particularly Jesus' approach to and way of expressing the concept of death.
The Miracles of Jesus Christ: The Resurrection of Lazarus (Part Two)
Summary: Jesus' resurrection of His friend Lazarus from the dead proved to be the final straw for the Jews who were trying to kill Him. After contrasting Jesus' weeping with those around Him, Martin Collins considers the diverse reactions of the witnesses to His great miracle, focusing on how it was a sign to them and us.
The Third Resurrection: What Is Its Value?
Summary: What purpose does the Third Resurrection serve? Is it just so God can punish the incorrigible? Does it play a part in OUR salvation?
The Wavesheaf Offering
Summary: Many in God's church know little about the wavesheaf offering, even though it represents one of the most significant acts of God's Plan: the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ! The day this offering was to be given is also the first day of the count to Pentecost, making it a significant time-marker for God's people. John Ritenbaugh explains the offering's relevance to us today.
What Happened to the Thief on the Cross? (Part Four)
Summary: Even though interpreting Luke 23:43 as saying that Jesus Christ and the criminal would both be in Paradise that very day contradicts many clear scriptures, some still hold onto this idea because of the unique construction of the sentence. ...
What Happened to the Thief on the Cross? (Part One)
Summary: In Luke 23:43, Jesus Christ tells one of the criminals being crucified next to Him, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise. ...
What Happened to the Thief on the Cross? (Part Three)
Summary: If the thief on the cross lived again the day that he was crucified, ascending to heaven, not only would he have gone there without Jesus Christ, but he also would have been a jarring exception to the Bible’s clear statements ...
What Is the Feast of Trumpets, Anyway?
Summary: The Feast of Trumpets, the first of the fall holy days, has perhaps the least directly written about it of all God's festivals. To provide some answers, this article explains the basic facts about this pivotal day.
Where Are Enoch and Elijah?
Summary: Enoch was translated that he should not see death. Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. Yet the Bible reveals they are not in heaven today! Here's the astounding truth.
For more on the true gospel, God's plan, mankind's destiny, and the coming Kingdom of God, see the Gospel Sermons page.