Gospel Articles

Nowhere does the Bible say the gospel is that Jesus Christ came to die for our sins! Instead, the true gospel tells us why He did so. More than that, it reveals the momentous purpose that God is accomplishing, what it means to be born again, how to receive eternal life, what salvation is, and the reason reconciliation through the blood of the Lamb is necessary.

'As a Thief in the Night' 
Summary: A survey of the New Testament reveals that, though we may recognize the "signs of the times," we will not be able to determine when Jesus Christ will return. David Grabbe pursues the concept of Christ's second coming "as a thief in the night," and what this means to Christians in this end time.  

'Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive . . .' 
Summary: To some, the virgin birth is a major teaching. However, Richard Ritenbaugh shows that it is only one of several signs that prove Jesus is the promised Messiah. Moreover, its major purpose is not to glorify Mary but her divine Son! 

'Behold, He is Coming with Clouds' 
Summary: Jesus Himself instructs us to live by every word of God (Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4), advice that is also useful when we study the Bible. Most of the passages that describe Christ's return to earth in power and glory at the end of the age contain the same detail: that He will come in, on, or with clouds. David Grabbe provides biblical background to help us understand why this detail is significant. 

'I Will Come Again' 
Summary: The meaning of the Feast of Trumpets can seem enigmatic due to the Bible's seeming lack of information on it, but with a little detective work, we find it anticipates the most significant event in human history: the coming return of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords! Richard Ritenbaugh explains why this keystone holy day should be one of great joy for the church and for the whole world! 

'Seventy Weeks Are Determined...' 
Summary: The Seventy Weeks Prophecy is a bone of contention among prophecy experts. Richard Ritenbaugh shows that simply taking the Bible at face value makes the meaning of this prophecy crystal clear! 

1335 (Part One) 
Summary: The period just before and after Jesus Christ's death, resurrection, and ascension was a whirlwind of remarkable events that fulfilled numerous Old Testament prophecies. That time stretched from Jesus' raising of Lazarus to His ascension to heaven ten days before Pentecost, a span of roughly 75 days. Charles Whitaker considers the mindset of the early church, providing a comparison to aid us in handling the coming whirlwind of the end time. 

1335 (Part Two) 
Summary: What prophetic principle should we be most concerned about? Is it knowing the timing of the fulfillment of certain prophecies? Is it putting prophetic events in the right order? The apostle Paul, writing to his protege, Timothy, suggests something far different: that we love Christ's appearing. Charles Whitaker takes a unique, spiritual perspective on the enigmatic 1,335 days mentioned in Daniel 12:12. 

A Truth About Revelation 2 and 3 
Summary: The church of God has long taught that the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3 refer to seven church eras from the apostles' day to Christ's return. While such an interpretation may be possible, the Bible itself does not indicate anything of the sort. John Ritenbaugh provides evidence from Revelation that the primary interpretation concerns all the churches extant during the end time. 

A World at War 
Summary: As Jesus warned, we hear increasingly of wars and rumors of wars. Over the past three years, global conflict has risen markedly, spurred by larger regional wars in Ethiopia, Ukraine, and Israel. Africa, Asia, and the Middle East alone account for 55 state-based conflicts, and Islamic actors drive many of them. Joseph Baity briefly examines the global situation, concluding that we should prepare for more intense turmoil. 

Born of a Woman 
Summary: Though the church of God has traditionally emphasized His death over His birth, the prophecies concerning Christ's first advent are vitally important in establishing our faith in His second coming. Richard Ritenbaugh summarizes twelve Old Testament prophecies and their significance to us. 

Dead Prophets' Society 
Summary: Many mainstream churches, including various Lutheran, Methodist, Anglican, and Catholic denominations, publicly state that they do not believe the Bible to be literally true. Some use only the New Testament ... 

Do You Desire the Day of the Lord? 
Summary: The prophet Amos describes the Israelites of his day as proud and secure in their special relationship with God, while God Himself castigates them for presuming He approved of them. They so misjudged matters that they eagerly desired the Day of the Lord! Using their example, David Grabbe compares them to what Jesus says about the Laodiceans, sounding a warning to us to pay attention to our true spiritual condition.  

Dominion and Glory and a Kingdom 
Summary: After the Jewish leadership tried to indict Jesus with false testimony, the high priest asks Him directly, 'I adjure You by the living God that You tell us if You are the Christ, the Son of God.' Christ's affirmative answer raises more questions than it answers. David Grabbe uses the Old Testament sources of Jesus' answer to explain just what He conveyed to the chief priests, elders, and council members. 

God's Kingdom in the Parables (Part Four): The Pearl, the Dragnet, and the Householder 
Summary: The eight parables of Matthew 13 form a structure called a chiasm, in which the individual parables form pairs (first and eighth, second and seventh, etc.) that correspond to and resolve each other. Utilizing the prevailing theme of God's Kingdom, David Grabbe shows how Jesus' parables of the Pearl of Great Price, the Dragnet, and the Householder resolve the problems raised in their corresponding earlier parables. 

God's Promises Are Sure! 
Summary: Using primarily the story of Joseph, John Ritenbaugh expounds the lessons we can learn and the encouragement we can glean from God's dealings with men during the time of the Feast of Trumpets. 

In the Heart of the Earth 
Summary: It is amazing that people who claim to be followers of Christ do not take Him at His word. In His only sign of His Messiahship, Jesus prophesied He would be "three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." Yet, each year, they celebrate Easter, which rests on a sunset Friday burial and a Sunday dawn resurrection. Richard Ritenbaugh observes that the Bible consistently supports a complete 72-hour burial period, exactly three days and three nights. 

Is the Love of Many Growing Cold? 
Summary: Among the best-known signs of the end of the age is Jesus' declaration in Matthew 24:12 that "the love of many will grow cold." However, David Grabbe advises caution in judging that such a state exists in others, in a church group, or in the church as a whole. Could love be there but just not as we might expect it? 

Israel's Long War 
Summary: Hamas' October 7, 2023, attack on Israel drew the world's eyes back to the longtime conflict over the Holy Land. While the present war has killed and wounded thousands, it may be just another flare-up of an enmity that stretches back nearly four thousand years. Richard Ritenbaugh advises Christians to temper their expectations of it signaling Christ's return since "wars and rumors of wars" are but "the beginning of sorrows." 

Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God (Part One) 
Summary: Scripture is replete with types, most of which appear in the Old Testament, and antitypes, which are spiritually fulfilled in the New Testament or will be fulfilled at the end time. The lamb the ancient Israelites slew on that first Passover in Egypt is a significant type, fulfilled in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. John Reiss examines five details of God's instructions in Exodus, comparing them to the events surrounding His death in the gospels. 

Jihad in Our Streets 
Summary: Today is the nineteenth anniversary of what we now call just “9/11." Islamic terrorists hijacked four planes in the early morning of September 11, 2001, and flew two of them into New York City’s World Trade ... 

Lowly and Riding on a Donkey? 
Summary: Each of the four gospels include a description of the fulfillment of Zechariah's prophecy that Messiah would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey. Ronny Graham explores what we know of the donkey as an animal, revealing that this misunderstood beast has a symbolic meaning that sheds light on both our Savior and Christian character. 

Places of Safety 
Summary: Based on Revelation 3:10 and other scriptures, the church of God has conjectured that God will gather the faithful to an end-time Place of Safety. However, we should not discount that He can protect us in any situation, just as He did in biblical times for many of His servants. Our safest place of safety lies in our faithful relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Recognizing the Second Witness 
Summary: The law says a matter is established from the mouth of two or three witnesses. However, on scriptural authority, we cannot limit this principle to two or three different people. The principle is also true when the multiple witnesses are different appearances by the same person, as in Christ's first and second comings. Describing those who encountered Christ as a Man, Charles Whitaker urges us to follow the examples of those who accepted Him as their Messiah. 

The 'Open Door' of Philadelphia 
Summary: The modern church of God, particularly a few of its splinter organizations, have made a big deal out of Revelation's letters to the seven churches. Often highlighted is the "open door" promised in the letter to Philadelphia. David Grabbe provides proof from Isaiah 22 that our understanding of this image should be revised to reflect the insight given in this neglected Old Testament prophecy. 

The All-Important Introduction to Revelation 
Summary: Oftentimes, in our haste to get to the "good stuff," we skip the introductions of books and articles. Richard Ritenbaugh explores the first chapter of Revelation and shows that skipping it deprives us of vital information necessary for understanding the rest of the book. 

The Branch 
Summary: The Branch is a well-known Old Testament prophetic figure, identified as the Messiah by most people. Yet, is there more to it than that? Why is the Branch not mentioned in the New Testament? What does it mean to us? 

The End Is Not Yet 
Summary: Every Christian longs for the return of Jesus Christ, and we search for fulfillments of the signs signaling that wonderful prophetic event. The seemingly rapid increase in natural disasters and heavenly spectacles can excite us to a fever pitch. Richard Ritenbaugh cautions that we need make sure that our understanding and interpretation of such signs align with what the Bible says about them.  

The First Prophecy (Part One) 
Summary: Genesis is a book of beginnings, and in that theme, it also contains the first prophecy. In the first part of this three-part series, Richard Ritenbaugh explains God's curse on the serpent in Genesis 3:14-15. 

The Four Horsemen (Part One): In the Saddle? 
Summary: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are a terrifying image of impending doom. Richard Ritenbaugh searches out the details of these fearsome, yet enigmatic figures, whose hoofbeats can already be heard on the earth! 

The Lamb of Revelation (Part One) 
Summary: Nothing is as cute and innocent as a little lamb. When people think of Christ as a lamb, these attributes bleed over into their conception of the Son of God. Yet, in Revelation, we see a far different the Lamb of God, one of wrath and judgment. David Grabbe focuses on an overlooked aspect of the lamb as a biblical symbol: as playing a significant role in redemption. 

The Lamb of Revelation (Part Two) 
Summary: The book of Revelation frequently uses "the Lamb" to refer to Jesus Christ, and the reason for this title becomes clear as the book unfolds. Revelation speaks of a long-awaited redemption that will occur at Christ's return - a redemption, not from sin's penalty, but one that returns ownership of all things to the rightful Heir, our Savior and King. David Grabbe explains. 

The Philadelphia Syndrome (Part Two) 
Summary: Part One began considering some of the mental inclinations and spiritual effects that resulted from the Worldwide Church of God seeing itself — rightly or wrongly — in Christ’s letter to Philadelphia ... 

The Prophet 
Summary: Who is the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18? This article takes an in-depth look at this prophecy, showing that its greatest fulfillment is in our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

The Root of Jesse 
Summary: The Old Testament prophets foretold the first coming of Jesus Christ in dozens of Messianic prophecies. One of the more intriguing prophecies pictures the ultimate scion of David as "a rod" or shoot rising from an old stump, which Isaiah 11:1 calls "the stem of Jesse," David's father. In verse 11, the same rod is called "a Root of Jesse." Richard Ritenbaugh examines these metaphors to discover what they imply about Christ and us, His brethren. 

The Scepter of the Kingdom of God (Part Two) 
Summary: In Part One, we saw that God’s scepter promise, given to the tribe of Judah in Genesis 49:10, descended from monarch to monarch of the royal house of David. ... 

The Seven Churches (Part Eight): Philadelphia 
Summary: Most Church of God members consider the church in Philadelphia the best of the seven churches to which Christ writes letters in Revelation 2 and 3. His criticisms of Philadelphia are muted, and He promises its members protection from "the hour of trial" coming on the world. But have our biases blinded us to what Christ is really saying to this group? Richard Ritenbaugh posits that being a Philadelphian is good, but even Philadelphians have weaknesses.  

The Seven Churches (Part Four): Smyrna 
Summary: The letter to Smyrna contains a rarity among the seven churches: Its Author, Jesus Christ, mentions no criticism of its poor, persecuted members! Instead, He calls them spiritually rich and encourages them to be faithful, even unto death, while they suffer severe troubles. Richard Ritenbaugh probes the paradox of the letter to Smyrna, that those who please God due to their righteousness often suffer most. 

The Seven Churches (Part Nine): Laodicea 
Summary: Jesus Christ's final letter to the seven churches focuses on the Laodiceans' self-deceived evaluation of their spiritual condition. They believe they "have need of nothing," but the righteous Judge warns them that their lukewarm attitude has made them "wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked." Richard Ritenbaugh encourages end-time Christians to throw off any attitudes of spiritual entitlement and submit to Christ's correction. 

The Seven Churches (Part One): Overview 
Summary: The seven churches of Revelation 2-3 have intrigued Bible readers for centuries. Were they simply seven historical churches in Asia, do they represent eras from the first century to the end time, or do they have more immediate relevance to us today? Richard Ritenbaugh asks and answers some introductory questions about this fascinating section of the New Testament's premier prophetic book. 

The Seven Churches (Part Seven): Sardis 
Summary: The Sardis church, recipient of Jesus Christ's fifth letter in Revelation 2-3, is judged to be "dead" by the church's Head. He finds the people's works imperfect and their grasp on received truth slipping, commanding them to "hold fast and repent." But a few are still alive and worthy of God's Kingdom among them. Richard Ritenbaugh analyzes this lifeless church, urging us to use it as a spur to reinvigorate our spiritual lives. 

The Seven Churches (Part Six): Thyatira 
Summary: Thyatira, the middle of the seven churches of Asia to whom Jesus Christ writes a letter, receives both praise and rebuke from our Savior. On the positive side, He commends them for significant works, love, service, faith, and patience. However, He also points out their sins: particularly sexual immorality and its spiritual counterpart, idolatry. Richard Ritenbaugh examines this detailed epistle to a church that seems half-in, half-out of the world. 

The Seven Churches (Part Ten): What Now? 
Summary: God's people look upon the landscape of small and often-competing organizations left in the wake of God's scattering of the church and despair that it will never come together again. However, God has not forsaken His elect! As the world's evils increase, Jesus Christ is at work, evaluating His people and testing them to increase their faith and endurance. Richard Ritenbaugh offers several prophecies that show God's plan to shepherd His people through the coming crisis before Christ's return. 

The Seven Churches (Part Two): Interpretations 
Summary: Traditionally, the modern church of God has taught that the seven churches of Revelation 2-3 are types of seven successive eras from apostolic times to Christ's return. Is this a valid belief? Does the Bible support such an interpretation? Richard Ritenbaugh discusses how the church-eras interpretation compares to three other readings of these enigmatic letters. 

The Seventh Thunder 
Summary: The seven thunders of Revelation 10:3-4 indicate the messages of the seven churches distinguished in chapters 2 and 3. As the end of this age appears to be just over the horizon, we can conclude that the message of the seventh church is being proclaimed now. But how effective is it? With how much vigor is it being preached? What is its central theme? Is it making its mark on the world with a unified voice? David Grabbe notes that our Savior, rather than praising or criticizing the churches' preaching of the gospel, emphasizes their works and their need to overcome to make a proper witness.  

The Shout of a King 
Summary: A primary principle of biblical interpretation is that the Bible interprets itself. In the case of the Day of Trumpets, the "blowing of trumpets" or better, "shout of the shofar" (Leviticus 23:24), provides a clue to the meaning of the day whose key can be found in several other passages in which "shout" (Hebrew teruah or ruwa) appears. David Grabbe gathers evidence that shows the holy day is tied to God's presence among His people. 

Thy Kingdom Come! (Part One) 
Summary: We understand that the Kingdom of God stands at the center of the gospel message Jesus Christ brought, but while we are well aware of its future rule over mankind, many do not realize it also has past and present aspects. This article explores the ancient history of God's Kingdom, as well as its current reality to His people. 

To Watch and Keep 
Summary: The Bible is well known as a Book of prophecy, but what is the true purpose of prophecy? Is it merely to enlighten us about the future, so that the "wise" will have an advantage over everyone else when the time comes? Charles Whitaker suggests that God's spiritual purposes for prophecy concern the subjects of warning and keeping. 

Tolerating Sin 
Summary: Our progressive culture pushes a kind of tolerance not found in its traditional definition. Today, people are "encouraged" to allow just about anything - but should someone express a contrary opinion, he should be canceled! Ronny Graham urges God's people to evaluate how much of the culture of tolerance they have allowed themselves to accept. 

Was Jesus Christ's Body Broken? (Part Two) 
Summary: In Part One, we saw that the word “broken” does not actually appear in the oldest and perhaps best Greek manuscripts of I Corinthians 11:24: “.. . and when [Jesus] had given thanks, He broke it and said, "Take, eat; this is My body ..." 

Waxing Cold 
Summary: We live in a time of turmoil when, as Jesus predicted, "nation will rise against nation." Perhaps we even become angry at seeing so much injustice and lawlessness ruin our society. As Christ's return nears, one thing we must not do is allow our love to grow cold. John Reiss provides strategies to maintain and even grow in love toward God and fellow man while the world descends into chaos.  

What Is the Book of Revelation? 
Summary: Everyone knows what the book of Revelation is all about, right? The end of the world, strange and fearsome symbols, and enigmatic clues about the shape of things to come. David Grabbe, however, argues that, though those are included in its pages, the real subject of Revelation is readily apparent. 

Where Is the Promise of His Coming? 
Summary: As this world keeps on turning, more people become skeptical about the return of Jesus Christ. The Bible, however, insists that He will come again and quickly. Richard Ritenbaugh advises watchful, sober expectation because the Lord does not delay His coming. 

Where the Eagles Are Gathered 
Summary: Jesus Christ's Olivet Prophecy provides a handful of specific signs of His return, one of which seems particularly obscure. David Grabbe analyzes His saying, "Wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together," in Matthew 24:28, explaining that it is a warning that Jesus will come back in judgment against those who resist Him. 

For more on the true gospel, God's plan, mankind's destiny, and the coming Kingdom of God, see the Gospel Sermons page.

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