The Seven Churches (Part One):
by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Forerunner, "Bible Study," May-June 2023
The letters to the seven churches of Revelation 2-3 have been the subject of much debate, both in secular commentaries and God's church. Were they only historical churches along a Roman mail route with no present-day significance? Should we understand them prophetically as successive church eras from the first century to the present? Does the Bible provide any evidence that all seven might exist together in the end-time—right now—just as they did in the apostle John's day? Could they describe attitudes present within the church at any time during its history?
Within these short epistles, the glorified Jesus Christ gives each of the seven churches specific instructions to overcome. In this initial study, we will examine the time element of the seven churches, and in future issues, we will analyze Christ's message to each church individually.
1. How does the book of Revelation view the seven churches? Does it recognize that they have future meaning as types of the end-time church? Revelation 1:4, 7, 10, 19; 22:7, 10, 16.
Comment: Granted, Christ specifically addresses the book of Revelation to the seven churches in Asia. However, it is essential to note that the introductory chapter places it in the context of the Day of the Lord and Christ's return. The visions John sees are of "things which are, and . . . will take place after this" (Revelation 1:19). Since the Day of the Lord is yet to occur, we can conclude the seven messages are spiritually valid not only for John's day but also for ours. Revelation 22 accents this by declaring that Jesus' servants would teach this prophecy in the churches until He returns.
2. Do the seven churches exist successively—as eras—from the days of the apostles to Christ's return?
Comment: Though history and experience of the modern church of God indicates such a partial fulfillment, no internal evidence from the Bible supports this concept. We will cover this possibility in greater detail in Part Two.
3. Does internal evidence suggest another type of fulfillment? Do all seven churches exist concurrently at the end? Revelation 2-3.
Comment: Notice these intriguing facts:
» Grammatically, Jesus presents His seven messages as if the churches exist simultaneously.
» Jesus ends each of the letters with, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches," plural (emphasis ours throughout).
» In Revelation 2:23, addressed specifically to Thyatira, Christ says that, by what happens to her, "all the churches shall know" He is the Judge and Head of the church. Every church must exist concurrently with her to observe her calamity—especially those that had supposedly preceded her.
» The epistles' language indicates an end-time frame of reference: To Ephesus and Pergamos, He says He will "come to [them] quickly." To Thyatira, He will "cast her into great tribulation," and her faithful should "hold fast . . . till I come" and "[keep] My works to the end." To Sardis, He will "come . . . as a thief" (see Matthew 24:43). To Philadelphia, He mentions "the hour of trial" and "I come quickly." To Laodicea, He says they will be "tried in the fire," a symbol of tribulation, and He "[stands] at the door," indicating immediacy.
4. Could the church's scattering into many small groups imply all seven churches currently exist? Leviticus 26:14-16, 33; Zechariah 4:2-4, 11-14; Revelation 1:12, 20.
Comment: The sins, lacks, and needs of each give the seven churches distinct personalities and attitudes. All the problems Jesus describes exist in the various branches of the church today. Remember, Christ addresses them individually, but advises all "the churches" to heed His advice. The parallel prophecies of Zechariah 4 and Revelation 1 show the seven churches, distinct but existing together, at the time of the Two Witnesses.
5. Are the messages relevant to us individually? Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26-29; 3:5-6, 12-13, 21-22; II Timothy 3:16.
Comment: If we compare these seven brief messages to the epistles of Paul, who also wrote extensively to various churches around the Mediterranean Sea, we can see a great deal of similarity. Paul's letters address each church's strengths and weaknesses, providing criticism, exhortation, and encouragement to help the members of those congregations overcome and prepare for Christ's return. Jesus' epistles in Revelation 2-3 perform the same task—except that it is the awesome, glorified Judge and High Priest who is writing personally to His churches to get them ready for the Kingdom of God! Time is short!
A careful, humble self-examination will reveal that each of us has, to some degree, every problem described in every message. All seven messages apply—today—to us, the elect of God in the end time. As we overcome, grow, and mature—as we become more like Christ—we should see less and less of each negative point in ourselves. Christ's advice to all seven is the same: Overcome! If we heed His counsel, we will avoid the threatened judgments and receive the magnificent rewards He offers.
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