The Seven Churches (Part Eight):
by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Forerunner, "Bible Study," July-August 2024
Most current church members relate to Jesus Christ's letter to the church in Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13). Upon analyzing Revelation 2 and 3, most Bible students through the ages have considered it the best of the seven churches of Asia. With the dominance of the idea that Christ's prophetic epistles depict eras of the church's history, recent church members have naturally gravitated toward believing the Savior is speaking to them through His words to Philadelphia.
From the outset, this rosy self-evaluation is suspect, painting everyone from a certain period and following a certain leader with the same brush. Is our evaluation of Philadelphia justified, or have we allowed our bias to color our understanding?
So, we must ask some basic questions: Is Philadelphia a truly faithful church? Does she have any faults? Should every Christian strive to be "Philadelphian"? Could spiritual pride have entered this church, causing God to tear her apart and scatter her? We need to examine the letter to Philadelphia honestly, considering recent church history, to see if our bias is warranted.
1. Does the Philadelphia church alone possess the key of David? Revelation 3:7; Isaiah 22:22; 9:6; Matthew 28:18.
Comment: A misunderstanding of this symbol may have fostered abuses of church or ministerial authority. For decades, the church interpreted "the key of David" to mean it understood "God's government," and the ministry too often wielded this club with a heavy hand against its own people (Ezekiel 34:1-10; Jeremiah 23:1-3). In that regard, the church failed to exhibit "brotherly love," which Philadelpheia means in Greek. Revelation 3:7, however, is clear that the key of David belongs, not to the church, but to the One who is holy and true, Jesus Christ. He alone has the authority to govern the church and to open and shut doors before it.
Jeremiah 23:20 predicts that we will fully understand this problem "in the latter days." Having experienced man's misuse of Christ's authority and the scattering of the church, we should now see that in its administration the church must be careful to stay within the bounds of true Christianity and not usurp God's prerogatives. Have we learned this lesson?
2. Recent history appears to show that the church, like Philadelphia, had an open door to preach the gospel. Is this interpretation correct? Revelation 3:7-8.
Comment: Christ says He has the power both to open and to shut. Our former church affiliation grew incredibly fast for several decades, we thought, because of this "open door." That is, the church assumed this open door symbolized increased power to evangelize and expand its reach all over the globe (I Corinthians 16:9; II Corinthians 2:12; Colossians 4:3).
However, while that interpretation is possible, it is more likely that the metaphor Christ uses in Revelation 3:7 agrees with both the "key of David" prophecy in Isaiah 22:22 and the vision in Revelation 4:1 showing an open door in heaven. Through His sacrifice and position as Mediator, Jesus Christ holds the key to access heaven, that is, to open and maintain a relationship with the Father (Hebrews 10:19; Luke 11:9-10, 13). The symbol says far more about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the vital position He holds as our High Priest than it does about those who are spiritual Philadelphians.
3. Philadelphia has some fine characteristics: It keeps God's Word and upholds Christ's name. But is it strong? Revelation 3:8.
Comment: Christ says explicitly that the Philadelphia church has only "a little strength." This description has been proved true by the apostasy, offense, betrayal, deception, and increasing iniquity that has thrived throughout the church's scattering. Jesus' end-time prophecy of not one stone being left upon another in the spiritual Temple, the church, seems to be occurring apace (Matthew 24:2, 9-12). Thus, it is not the Philadelphians' spiritual strength but Christ's that empowers the church's faith and accomplishments.
4. Both Smyrna and Philadelphia are beset by those who claim to be Jews but are not. Who are they? Revelation 3:9; Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43.
Comment: Before the recent scattering of God's people, this prophecy mystified many, but it is now obvious that a significant number of members and ministers entered the church as wolves in sheep's clothing. While they claimed be to spiritual Jews, they may not have even been converted, much less Philadelphian. They led many from the truth of God's Word. Ultimately, Christ promises, these harmful tares will worship before the feet of the faithful.
5. Does perseverance have its rewards? Revelation 3:10.
Comment: God will protect those who patiently cling to His Word from the world's coming "hour of trial" (Revelation 12:14-16; Matthew 24:13-22; Luke 21:34-36). Even though the church exhibits faint spiritual strength, a remnant from Philadelphia will faithfully endure to the end.
6. Do those of Philadelphia have what God requires for salvation? Revelation 3:11.
Comment: Despite having "little strength," true Philadelphians have the doctrinal truth, devotion, obedience, and grace from God to attain salvation if they hold fast. Individual Philadelphians can ensure their salvation by faithfully guarding the truth God reveals (I Timothy 4:16; II Timothy 1:13-14; 3:14; Jude 3).
7. Is a person's association with Philadelphia enough to receive its rewards? Revelation 3:12; I John 5:4.
Comment: Because Christ criticizes Philadelphia very little, gives it an open door, and offers protection from the imminent time of trouble, it is easy to assume one "has it made" if he associates himself with the church in Philadelphia. Yet Christ admonishes Philadelphians just as He does those in the other churches: Overcome! A Christian must never rest on his oars, no matter what his situation. We all must overcome the world, our nature, and Satan, growing enough to produce godly fruit to please God and maintain our relationship with Him. If we do, entrance to His Kingdom is an absolute promise!
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