Gospel Articles

Nowhere does the Bible say the gospel is that Jesus Christ came to die for our sins! Instead, the true gospel tells us why He did so. More than that, it reveals the momentous purpose that God is accomplishing, what it means to be born again, how to receive eternal life, what salvation is, and the reason reconciliation through the blood of the Lamb is necessary.

"Unto Us a Son Is Given" 
Summary: The above title comes from the words of Isaiah 9:6, “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, ... 

'Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive . . .' 
Summary: To some, the virgin birth is a major teaching. However, Richard Ritenbaugh shows that it is only one of several signs that prove Jesus is the promised Messiah. Moreover, its major purpose is not to glorify Mary but her divine Son! 

A Blessing in Winter? 
Summary: Within the pages of the Bible, relatively few dates are mentioned. Because of this, and because God works in similar patterns and many of the prophecies have a dual fulfillment, when prophetic dates are mentioned, they take on a special significance. ... 

A Season of Deception 
Summary: ‘Tis the season—for deception. Most of the world is about to observe the annual winter holiday known as “Christmas.” Millions of people believe they are celebrating the birth of the Christ-Child on ... 

Born of a Woman 
Summary: Though the church of God has traditionally emphasized His death over His birth, the prophecies concerning Christ's first advent are vitally important in establishing our faith in His second coming. Richard Ritenbaugh summarizes twelve Old Testament prophecies and their significance to us. 

Christmas Contradictions 
Summary: Many professing Christians merrily observe Christmas every year while knowing they are celebrating a holiday with its origins in ancient paganism. Apologists brush such facts aside, justifying their observance by claiming that honoring Jesus on the day of His birth (also a lie) supersedes all contradictions and falsehoods. Richard Ritenbaugh suggests that people, following human nature, will excuse ungodly practices if they appear to receive enjoyment or benefits from them. 

Christmas, Syncretism, and Presumption 
Summary: Many who consider themselves Christians believe celebrating Christmas honors Jesus Christ, even though the holiday has no biblical support. While it is attractive and appealing, Christmas is actually a spiritual trap because it is not true. John Ritenbaugh explains that it is highly presumptuous to believe that such a syncretized holiday, blended liberally with heathen customs, could please God. 

Dating Christ's Birth 
Summary: Despite the continuing secularization of our society, people remain fascinated and curious about the historical basis for the life of Jesus Christ. ... 

Reasons for Not Celebrating Christmas 
Summary: When asked why they do not celebrate Christmas, many Christians find that a satisfying answer does not come readily to mind. However, many valid reasons exist to avoid keeping a holiday steeped in falsehoods from its beginning. From the lie that Jesus was born on December 25 to the commercialized fiction of the holiday's modern trappings, Christmas is thoroughly unholy. John Reiss presents six reasons not to observe Christmas. 

Thanking God for Jesus Christ 
Summary: The world will soon celebrate Christmas. Everywhere we look, we see reminders of the season — mostly colorful lights, evergreen trees, stockings hung on mantles, and white-bearded men in red and white ... 

The Birth of Jesus Christ (Part One): Annunciation 
Summary: We rarely think about the birth of Jesus except during the Christmas season, when it is abused by traditional notions found nowhere in Scripture. To remedy this, Richard Ritenbaugh delves into the Gospel accounts of the annunciation of His coming to Mary and Joseph. 

The Birth of Jesus Christ (Part Two): Nativity 
Summary: When the Son of God was born into the world, one of the greatest events of all history occurred. Richard Ritenbaugh describes the birth of Jesus and the angel's announcement to the 'shepherds abiding in the fields,' perhaps the first preaching of the gospel to mankind. 

The Crazy in Christmas 
Summary: Many years ago, while talking to an acquaintance, the subject of Christmas came up. I told him up front, “I don’t celebrate Christmas.” He replied ... 

Three Missing Kings (Part One) 
Summary: The apostle Matthew structured his genealogy of Jesus Christ in three equal sections. To make it work, he had to exclude three kings, but which three? John Ritenbaugh provides background and wades through the jumble of similar names to narrow the answer to four kings and a choice between two sets of three. Which set would God exclude for our benefit? 

Was Jesus Christ Born Under the Law? 
Summary: As Christians, we are followers of Jesus Christ, but many subtle arguments are advanced to prove we really do not have to walk in His footsteps—that He did it all for us. Earl Henn explains that such teachings are ridiculous! 

When Was Jesus Born? 
Summary: The world claims Jesus was born on December 25, a date most scholars who take chronology seriously find is unsupportable. If He was not born on the traditional Christmas Day, when was He really born? John Reid explains that the Bible provides all the clues we need to establish, not a specific date, but a two-week period in which He was likely born.  

Who Were the Wise Men? 
Summary: Mentioned in Matthew 2, the wise men or magi have been mysterious figures since their appearance two thousand years ago. For centuries, scholars and Bible students have tried to determine who they were, and their speculations have varied widely. Careful research into the biblical description of their visit to the young Jesus can provide satisfying answers to this longtime question. 

For more on the true gospel, God's plan, mankind's destiny, and the coming Kingdom of God, see the Gospel Sermons page.

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