The Seven Churches (Part Seven):
by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Forerunner, "Bible Study," May-June 2024
Concluding that the letters to the seven churches are historical eras, the church of God has traditionally considered the first four—Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, and Thyatira—to have existed before the “end-time era.” The last three—Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea—have been interpreted as currently in existence. Because of Herbert W. Armstrong’s extensive influence, many have pigeonholed them as, respectively, the church he originally began with and split from, his own work (the one most consider to be their era), and all the church groups since then. Does Christ’s letter to Sardis, an era few would knowingly choose for themselves, fit this perceived pigeonholing? Or does it speak more about a spiritual attitude endangering many across the churches of God?
1. Christ writes that Sardis has a “name” that they are living. Is this something in the name itself or the reputation? Revelation 3:1.
Comment: If we consider only the Church of God, Seventh Day, which Herbert Armstrong affiliated with early in his ministry, nothing in its name or reputation indicates life. Herbert Armstrong saw it had understood most of the basic doctrines correctly but judged the organization as not really doing the work of preaching the gospel. Hence, he called it “dead,” not alive with faithful, godly activity.
While it may have had what has become understood as a “Sardis approach,” since neither its official name nor reputation indicates life, we must look elsewhere for a more significant fulfillment of Christ’s words. Somewhere within the church of God are people who—either by name or reputation—appear to be living, yet whom Christ judges essentially spiritually dead, save for a few names.
Considering a horrible spiritual condition to apply to someone else or to church congregations of the past is a trick of human nature to cast oneself in a better light. How easy it is to deceive ourselves about our true standing with God!
2. Does God indicate why He judges Sardis mostly dead? Revelation 3:2-3.
Comment: Christ first addresses their “works,” which He finds imperfect. God desires quality, godly works, full of love and faith toward Him. The works of Sardis seem to be blemished like unworthy, ritualistic Old Covenant sacrifices, lacking holiness and the intent of pleasing Him.
While they may still have some truth, their dead works indicate a lack of living faith (James 2:17-20), suggesting people who perceive themselves to be alive but are standing still, spiritually catatonic, even comatose. They may exist as stones in the Temple but not as “living stones” (I Peter 2:5).
3. Though Christ speaks to Sardis’ works as the first problem, is there another? Revelation 3:3; Jude 3; I John 2:24.
Comment: Jesus gives them three urgent commands: remember, hold fast, and repent. Spiritually, they are “dead men walking.” The revealed truths Christ had given them “are ready to die,” thus He warns them to take heed because they risk losing what they have “received and heard,” either through neglect or distraction. Many people today are straying from what God revealed in the last century, allowing themselves to reject it piecemeal for titillating but false ideas that regularly float through the church or simply by failing to build on the fundamental doctrines (see Hebrews 5:12-14; 6:1-3). This number includes some who, despite fleeing the apostasy of our former affiliation, are allowing sound doctrine to be eroded and lost.
4. What danger does this spiritual coma present? Revelation 3:3; Matthew 24:42-25:13.
Comment: A characteristic of the dead, physically or spiritually, is that they are unaware. Perhaps those of Sardis are unaware of what is happening in the church and world. Maybe they think Christ “is delaying His coming” and have relaxed spiritually. Perhaps they actually fear spiritual growth because of the demands it will put upon them. Whatever the reason, they are standing still and not growing, slowly losing what real life they had. In this spiritual state, end-time events and Christ’s return could catch them by surprise like a thief in the night.
5. Is it possible to worship among people like those of Sardis and still be alive? Revelation 3:4.
Comment: A few names in Sardis are still alive spiritually, working faithfully. One might judge himself of another group entirely if he judges himself alive, but God says some are living among the dead.
Are any of us willing to call himself or herself dead? We all judge ourselves as part of any group but Sardis! Yet God says Sardis exists, maybe not “alive and well,” but existing nonetheless.
Therefore, we all need to examine ourselves. Would God judge our works as lively, our faith as living? Or are we slowly losing what we originally received and heard? Perhaps we need to reinvigorate our prayer, study, efforts to overcome our carnal nature, and the serving of our brethren—to show some life!
6. Is there hope for Sardis? Revelation 3:4-5; 19:8; Acts 24:15; I Peter 1:3.
Comment: There is hope even for the dead! They can be resurrected, physically or spiritually. Christ offers those in Sardis the same hope He gives the other six churches: Overcome and inherit the Kingdom of God! In this case, He offers them white garments since most in Sardis have soiled their “fine linen.” If they repent and overcome, Christ will confess their names to the Father, who will gladly accept them into His Family!
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