Sermons on Jesus Christ's Return

Coming to Know Him
Summary: We depend a great deal on our visual acuity, which makes it difficult to understand the things we do not see, such as radio waves, electricity, the composition of gases and molecules, etc. Because God cannot be seen with the naked eye, we find it dif... 

Holy Days, Signs, and Names
Summary: The Sabbaths (including the annual Sabbaths) serve as signs identifying the people of God. The fifth of the eight signs in the book of John is associated with the Feast of Trumpets, which designates the return of Christ. As the disciples were struggl... 

Psalms: Book Four: A New Day Dawns
Summary: God's plan of salvation as revealed in His holy days has two basic components-a spiritual (encapsulated by the Passover and Pentecost) in which our Lord and Savior emptied His divinity in a sacrifice for the penalty of our sins and then gave the gift... 

True or False Hope?
Summary: Jeremiah 28:5-12 describes Hananiah's false prophecy about God breaking Nebuchadnezzar's yoke over Judah. This false prophecy gave them false security, causing an acquiescing into sin and a symbolic replacement of a wooden yoke with an iron yoke. If ... 

Trumpets, Christ's Coming, and Works
Summary: Considering the parable of the faithful and wise servant and the evil servant, as well as the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, the Day of Trumpets emphasizes the state of caution and faithfulness required during the turbulent end times. The p... 

Trumpets: Glorious Appearings
Summary: The Day of Trumpets is characterized by shouting or a memorial of blowing of trumpets (teruah), signifying alarm, joy, or excitement. Before the commandment to keep this feast, only one event involving trumpets had occurred to the Israelites, namely ... 

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